Advanced, Non-Surgical Hair Restoration


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PRP Treatment for Hair Loss

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has been shown to be an effective, safe, and non-surgical method for hair loss treatment. The treatment takes platelet-rich plasma from the patient’s own blood. A topical anesthetic is applied to the treatment area before injection to minimize the potential for discomfort. Once the PRP is isolated from the blood, it is injected into the area affected by hair loss or hair thinning. PRP is then miconeedled into the scalp to additionally help promote hair growth and maximize the efficacy of each treatment.

The PRP triggers the natural hair growth process and strengthens the hair follicles to promote regrowth and prevent hair loss. The procedure is simple and requires minimal downtime or discomfort, making it an excellent option for patients who are wary of surgical options, such as hair transplants.

Future of Hair Loss Treatment: Stem Cell-Derived Exosome Therapy

STEM CELL-DERIVED Exosome therapy, the hair loss treatment of the future, is now available at Young Again Aesthetics. In addition to our state-of-the-art PRP hair loss procedure, we now offer the latest, most innovative, and all-natural way to restore hair follicles with the use of exosomes. Exosomes are used in conjunction with our traditional PRP procedure to provide a much more robust hair restoration response than with PRP alone.

By injecting exosomes, it has been clinically shown to help regenerate and regrow hair in both men and women in the earlier to moderate stages of hair loss.

The exosomes utilized at Young Again Aesthetics are a purified mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-derived exosome product from a single, peri-natal donor that contains a multitude of growth factors that can enhance natural healing and promote hair and skin rejuvenation/regeneration.

What are Exosomes?

Exosomes are tiny micro-vesicles. They’re about 1/1000th the size of a typical cell in the body. Exosomes are used by the body for inter cellular communications, helping the cells work together more efficiently.

They contain proteins (growth factors), mRNA (blueprint for protein production) and micro-RNA (on-off switch for specific protein production). These factors help stimulate the regenerative potential of the body not just for hair thickening but for a variety of other applications. Exosomes provide a natural and comprehensive activation of the body’s healing processes by systematically activating the complex array of cell signals required to restore and maintain hair follicles and tissue health.

When utilized on the scalp, the results are thicker and healthier hair. Exosomes are used in conjunction with traditional PRP treatment modalities to provide a much more robust response than with PRP alone. Exosome use for therapeutic reasons is a new, powerful option in Regenerative Medicine and Hair Restoration.

Why Consider PRP/Exosome Hair Loss Treatment?

For decades, scientists have worked tirelessly in their attempt to develop a permanent way to regrow thinning hair. Most hair regeneration products, such as popular drugs like minoxidil and finasteride, are only capable of providing temporary improvement. And, they must be used religiously every day, as discontinued use of such products can sometimes result in even more rapid loss of one’s hair.

In addition to the above, individuals also had the option of restoring their hair surgically. But autologous single follicle and follicular unit transplantation (colloquially known as “plugs”) is not only extremely painful, and very expensive, it is also highly time consuming.

The PRP with or without Exosome Hair Loss treatment, on the other hand, offers patients an exciting and effective alternative to hair loss surgery.

Candidates who may benefit from PRP/Exosome Therapy

·       Started to lose their hair a few years ago

·       Have thinning hair or hair loss due to menopause

·       Progressive hair loss

·       Want to increase their hair volume

·       Want to proactively prevent hair loss from occurring

·       Too young for hair transplant surgery

·       Unsuccessfully attempted other hair regrowth treatments

Hair Loss Treatment Procedure

The area of the scalp affected by the hair loss is first prepped with a topical anesthetic to minimize the tenderness of the procedure. PRP is then gently injected into the patient’s scalp. To help promote additional hair growth, exosomes may be added to maximize treatment efficacy.

The process of obtaining PRP involves a blood draw and a centrifuge. To yield PRP, blood is drawn from your arm, then spun down in a centrifuge (a machine that spins at high speeds to help separate blood components). After centrifuging, the plasma rises to the top, and the lower part of the plasma is the PRP. The concentrated PRP also contains growth factors and a matrix for which the exosomes can migrate.

While some mild soreness may persist for about a week following treatment, patients are able to return to their normal daily routine as soon as a day after their Exosome Hair Loss Treatment. It is recommended that for about a week, during which times the scalp cells will initialize regeneration, activities that cause sweating should be avoided.

Just like any other medical procedure, individual results from PRP/Exosome Hair Loss Treatment will vary on a case-by-case basis. Initial results may take up to 3 months and repeat treatments of PRP/Exosomes will be required in the future. An individual treatment plan will be discussed with each patient.